Glossary of Japanese Terms
Please note that this glossary is not comprehensive and more can be found on the internet or my book. More words will be added over time and it shall grow, so keep it in mind if you need to look up a word or term.
A Terms -
- Age - Rising
- Ago - Jaw
- Ai uchi - Clash, simultaneous Attack
- Aka - Red
- Akagashi - Red Oak - wood used in making weapons
- Ana - Hole, Opening
- Anza - To sit cross-legged
- Ashi - Leg or Foot
- Ashi Barari - Leg Sweep
- Ashi Yubi - Toes
- Ashi no ura (Ashi Ura) - Sole of Foot
- Ashi Sabaki - Footwork
- Ashi Waza - Foot or Leg Techniques
- Ashi Yubi - Toes
- Atemi - A Strike to the vital point on the body
- Atemi Waza - Techniques used to strike vital points on the body
- Awase Tsuki - U-Punch
- Ayumi Ashi - Regular Stepping
B Terms -
- Barai - Sweep
- Bo - Wooden Staff
- Bo Jutsu - Art of the Staff
- Bokken - Wooden Sword
- Bu - Martial, military
- Budo - Martial Way
- Budo Ka - Person studying martial arts
- Budo - Martial Way - Hall
- Bunkai - Analysis, interpreting Kat
- Burke - Warrior class
- Bushi - Warrior, Samurai
- Bushido - Way of the Warrior
C Terms -
- Chimu - Liver
- Chinto - Advanced Anshin Kata
- Chudan - Middle Level, Mid-Section
- Chudan Geri - Mid-Section Kick
- Chudan Tsuki - Mid-Section Punch
- Chudan Uke - Mid-Section Block
- Chui - Warning, normally given in competition
- Chusoku - Ball of the Foot
D Terms -
- Dachi - Stance
- Dai - Large, Big, used in Kata Names
- Dan - Degree of Black Belt Rank
- Dantai - Group
- Deshi - Disciple, Pupil
- Do - Way, Path
- Dogi - Training Suit
- Dojo - Place of the Way, Training Hall in Martial Arts
E Terms -
- Embu - Martial Arts Demonstration
- Empi - Elbow, or Advanced Anshin Kata
- Empi Uchi - Elbow Strike
- Encho - Extension, overtime; normally used in Competitions
F Terms -
- Fudo - Stability
- Fudo Dachi - Firm Posture Stance
- Fudoshin - Immovable Spirit; a state of mind which is not influenced by external forces
- Fumikomi - Stamping Kick
- Futokoro - Chest
G Terms -
- Gaiwan - Outer Forearm
- Ganmen - Top Front of the Head, Face
- Gedan - Lower Level
- Gedan Barai - Lower Level Sweeping Block
- Gedan Tsuki - Lower Level Punch
- Genshi - Intuition; Second guess the attacker's movement
- Geri - Kick - used as a suffix
- Gi - Training Suit
- Giri - Sense of duty
- Go - Five
- Godan - Fifth Degree Black Belt
- Gokyu - Fifth Level - related to students
- Gojushiho - Forty Five Steps; Advanced Kata in Anshin System
- Goshin - Self-defence
- Gyaku - Reverse, Opposite
- Gyaku Zuki - Reverse Punch
H Terms -
- Ha da - Skin
- Hachi - Eight
- Hakama - Traditional Japanese trousers, worn by Iaido practitioners
- Hamish - Back of the Hand
- Hanshi - Master, a title given to some 8th to 10th Dans; highest of the three teaching ranks
- Haito uke - Ridge Hand Strike
- Haiwan - Back of the Arm
- Hajime - Begin, to start
- Hana - Nose
- Hanmi - Half facing
- Hansoku - A foul in competitive fighting
- Hansoku Chui - A Warning in competitive fighting
- Hantai - Opposite
- Hantai - Referee's decision in competitive fighting
- Hara - Abdomen, or belly
- Harai - Sweep
- Harai Goshi - Sweeping Hip Throw
- Hasami - Scissors
- Hasami Tsuki - Scissor Punch
- Heiko - Parallel
- Heiko Dachi - Parallel Stance
- Heisoku - Top of the foot, Instep
- Heisoku Dachi - Stance where the feet are together
- Hidari - Left
- Hidari Ashi - Left Leg, or Foot
- Hidari Men - Left side of head
- Hidari Shizentai - Left natural posture
- Hidari Te - Left Hand
- Hiji - Elbow
- Hijiate - Elbow Strike
- Hikite - Preparatory Hand, the retractor
- Hikiwake - A draw in competitive fighting
- Hiraki - Opening
- Hitai - Forehead
- Hiza - Knee
- Hiza Gashira - Knee Cap
- Hiza Geri - A Kick with the Knee
- Hizo - Spleen
- Ho - Cheek
- Hojo Undo - Supplemental Training
- Hombu or Honbu - Head dojo, main training hall or office
- Hone - Bone
I Terms -
- Ibuki - To breath out hard from the Hara
- Ibukoro - Stomach
- Ichi - One
- Ichibun - Number One, the best quality
- Iki - Breath
- In Yo - Yin Yang; philosophy of opposites
- Ippon Ken - Single knuckle fist
- Ippon Seoi Nage - One arm shoulder throw
- Irimi - Entering
J Terms -
- Jiin - Advanced Anshin Kata
- Jin - Tendons or Muscles
- Jinchu - Pressure Point; Philtrum
- Jinzo - Kidney
- Jion - Advanced Kata in Anshin Karate
- Jitte - Advanced Kata in Anshin Kata
- Jiyu - Free or Freedom
- Jiyu Kumite - Free Sparring
- Jiyu Renshu - Free Practise
- Jodan - Upper Level
- Jodan Uke - Upper Level Block
- Jogai - Out of Bounds in competitive fighting
- Joseki - Upper side of dojo; place of Honour
- Joza - High Seat; Kamiza
- Ju - Number Ten
- Judan - 10th Degree Black Belt
- Juji - Cross
- Juji Uke - Cross Block
- Junbi - Preparatory
- Junbi Undo - Preparatory movements, Warm up
- Jutsu - Art
K Terms -
- Kakato - Heel
- Kakato Geri - Heel Kick
- Kake - Hooking Action
- Kake Uke - Hooking Block
- Kamae - Fighting Posture
- Kami - Shinto Deity, or Hair
- Kamidana - God Shelf - a Shinto Alter
- Kamiza - Upper Seat in front of Dojo
- Kancho - Title given to head of the Dojo or Organisation
- Konnichi Wa - Good Afternoon
- Konban Wa - Good Evening
M Terms -
- Ma - Distance
- Maai - A concept of movement, timing space and opportunity
N Terms -
- Nagashi - To avoid or side step an attack
- Nage - Throw
- Nage Waza - Throwing Techniques
O Terms -
- O - Prefix meaning Big, large or great
- Obi - Belt
- Ohaiyo Gozaimasu - Good Morning
- Oyasuminasai - Good Night
P Terms -
- Passai - Kata in Anshin Karate System
R Terms -
- Randori - Free Exercise
- Rei - Bow
S Terms -
- Sakotsu - Collarbone, clavicle
T Terms -
- Tai Otoshi - Body Drop
- Tai Sabaki - Body movement - method of entering, turning and shifting
- Taiso - Physical exercise
U Terms -
- Uchi - Inner, Interior
W Terms -
- Wa - Harmony, peace, love
- Waza - Technique
Y Terms -
- Yakusoku - Pre-arranged, agreement
- Yakusoku Kumite - Pre-arranged Sparring Drills
- Yama Tsuki - U-Punch
- Yame - Stop - given as a command
Z Terms -
- Zanshin - State of awareness