Article by Shidoin Beckie Challans as part of her Shodan Test on Enoeda Sensei
The Role of Senpai By Marc Faux (for Shodan in Matayoshi Kobudo)
Article about the role of Senpai in the dojo. This was written by Shidoin Marc Faux for his Shodan Test
A History of Wado Ryu in the UK – By Jack Davison for 1st Kyu Grading
In June 1892, Hironori Ohtsuka was born in in Shimodate City, Japan. He was first introduced to Jiujitsu by his Great Uncle Chojiro Ebashi, this led to his obsession with Martial Arts. Ohtsuka started school in 1897, where he studied Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu. He was instructed by the 3rd Grand Master of this style of Jiujitsu, …
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The website has had a complete overhaul, I hope you like it and find your way around easier than the old one. This new Blog & News page will be where certain topic will be published. If you have any Martial Art topics then let me know.