Anshin Syllabus

Anshin Karate Syllabus.

All the documents for the Junior’s and Senior’s Syllabus are given below.
To access these documents you will need Adobe Reader. Once you have this click on the required grade to download the document. You can then print it off or save it to your PC.

Junior Syllabus

Below are the syllabus for each kyu grade up to 2nd Dan black Belt


Senior Syllabus

Below are the syllabus for each kyu grade up to 2nd Dan black Belt


Theory – For all Junior & Seniors

Below are the questions for each kyu grade up to 1st Dan black Belt. Students taking a grade will be asked these questions for the grade they are taking.

  1. Yellow Belt
  2. Orange Belt
  3. Green Belt
  4. Red Belt
  5. Blue Belt Black Stripe
  6. Purple Belt Black Stripe
  7. Red Belt Black Stripe
  8. Brown Belt Black Stripe
  9. 1st Dan Black Belt

Answers to Theory Questions Above

Below are the answers to the Theory Questions for each kyu grade up to 1st Dan Black Belt. Please use these answers to help you pass the theory. Remember they don’t need to be learnt parrot fashion, but an understanding is required.

  1. Yellow Belt
  2. Orange Belt
  3. Green Belt
  4. Red Belt
  5. Blue Belt Black Stripe
  6. Purple Belt Black Stripe
  7. Red Belt Black Stripe
  8. Brown Belt Black Stripe
  9. 1st Dan Black Belt

Dojo Kun

Below is a link for the Anshin Dojo Kun.

Dojo Kun – The Code of Ethics

Training during Corona Virus

To help students with their home training I have put on short video clips. As this is new it will take time to cover all the Pinan Kata. The first Pinan Kata Pinan Nidan is shown and explained in my book but have included it here too. To access them click on the name. 

Pinan Nidan

Pinan Shodan

Pinan Sandan

Pinan Yodan

Pinan Godan


Advanced Kata

These are not for general release and are only for our members. Please do not copy them and share as they are Copyright protected for Kodokan Martial Arts

